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Who are we?


Welcome to Mommin' & Lovin' & Workin'! We are so excited you are here! Let's start with some basics, who, what and where!

Who are we? We are ten living and working professionals! We are all educators, most of us are moms, some dog moms, some step-moms, some stand in moms and some just plain moms. What really defines a mom anyways!? Of course we can't forget our fearless Ronny who is joining us as an educator, coach and to keep us all on our toes (or maybe we are keeping him on his toes???).

What are we here for? Well, to be blunt, we have lots and lots to share! We are here to give you a place to read, reflect, relax and breathe. Between the 10 of us we have so much to share based on our experiences, education, careers and more. We want to give you a resource to use throughout motherhood, life and work!

Where are we from? Well the majority of us reside in Michigan, however Kristin is from Illinois and Sierra is from Wisconsin! We are spread out between the three states, and we all work as part of the education teams at The Learning Experience South Lyon, The Learning Experience South Lyon West, The Learning Experience Independence all out of Michigan and The Learning Experience Gurnee out of Illinois!

We can't wait to share our views, opinions and thought processes on all things, Mommin' & Livin' & Workin'.

Our goal is to create a blog about relevant topics related to mommin’ & livin’ & workin’. The topics will vary, and the content will be us speaking from our professional, educational & real-life experiences. Have something your curious about? Reach out to us! We are here for you!

Enjoy and cheers!

- Sierra Zaban

Center Director of The Learning Experience Gurnee


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