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How do you get over not feeling like you have to do it all, all the time…….

The things I feel that I need to get done versus what is realistic for me to complete are exhausting to comprehend. How do I...

- Go to the gym 5 times a week, because you know “they”say I have to be healthy

- Spend 40 hours in the office & then be available at home if needed, cause you know my staff need me

- Go to every event that my boys are involved in, well, because I’m there mom and it goes so fast how do you miss a thing (that is what “they” tell me)

...oh wait I am supposed to have me time to right? But wait there is more, the guy that I started this whole crazy ride with, whoever “they” are say that we need to schedule date nights and… you get it right? Isn’t self-health in there somewhere which is kinda of the premise behind this whole crazy thing??

Who is “they” and why does he/she tell me what is acceptable in terms of my time? After all it is my time, and I should be the owner of it - right?

What drives all this insanity, you guessed it... guilt and lots of it. I am not going to pretend that I am the expert at balancing it all, but I will tell you that I have taken back my life and decided that if I don’t want to do it, I don’t have to come up with some crazy lie or excuse I can just say, 'I’m tired and I want to stay home'. I am at the point in my life where if I am sitting on my couch, I am sure that I am missing something or should be doing something. How do you truly get to the point where you do nothing and be okay with it?

That is the million dollar question.

As I get older, I find my best friends are the ones that I can say, love you, but I’m good. And when I say that I mean I’m good to go home and sit my happy little behind on my couch and fall asleep to a good book or binge watch Netflix. I have a few of these girlfriends and I truly cherish them.

There are things in life that you truly cannot miss, but that list is not what you think it is. Of course, we all are important and want to be needed/wanted and to have a purpose but rarely will things fall apart without you. Think of all the things that go off without a hitch and you’re not even there. Ask yourself, do I want to go? Am I going because I feel like I must? Am I okay with doing nothing? If you can answer yes to all these questions then you are on the right track.

Use 2022 as the year to take your time back, forget about what “they” tell you that you should do and do what you want to do. “They” is so many people with so many opinions on so many sources from some many things that you feel you need to read, and “they” of course want you to believe everything you read on the internet. That’s how “they” make you feel guilty.


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