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New year, new you, haven’t you heard that before! January is a month of new beginnings, resolutions and of course trying to stick to them! I’m really not a resolution maker, never have been. What I do try to do is make small changes to better myself and my life.

What comes to everyone’s mind, when it comes to a new year? I want to get healthy, lose weight, exercise more and eat less. These are great things to achieve, but I feel people, including me, fall into the too much, too hard and end up quitting and failing.

Let me start out by saying, I’m not a fitness expert or have a degree in anything nutrition or exercise science but what I do have, is a love of fitness and exercise. I love the way it makes me feel and how I can block everything stressful in my life by just exercising. Over the last few years I have made exercise a regular part of my life. I would like to share with you a few things that have really helped me make fitness an integral part of my life and hopefully can help you!

Start Small

About four years ago I joined a mom challenge at a local gym. Prior to that I had done fitness aerobic classes, had a membership to a local gym and went periodically but wanted to try something new. It was a fitness studio that used a lot of weights and equipment that I didn’t even know how to use or what they were. My first week there I thought I was going to die, not to mention not being able to move. However, I started small. Small goals, first one was not to quit when it got hard. I slowly added weights and went out of my comfort zone to try new exercises and equipment. After a few months I was hooked. Even today I try to set myself small goals. Things I’d like to be able to achieve, get better at or strive for! It really helped keep me invested.

Get a Workout Buddy

Shortly after joining my new gym I didn’t know anybody so it was hard to get myself there. After a while I started meeting new people and we would text each other and ask which class they were going to, it was a huge booster! The accountability of knowing that you’re meeting someone there, will definitely get you there! I even enlisted my husband to join me. When we’re at home and I don’t feel like going, we push each other to go!

Make it Part of Your Daily Routine

Each month on my calendar I circle the days that I wanted to go to the gym based on my schedule. Whether you go to a gym, have a home gym or even an app you might use on your iPad, pick the days each week that you know you will exercise. If you have it on your calendar or you know it’s “workout” day you’re more likely to go, than if the days change all the time. Make it part of your routine. I now know what days I go to the gym or exercise at home and I know the days that I rest and take the day off. Those days usually equate to drinking some wine after work and eating pizza! But these days are super important! You need to rest and enjoy the things you love, and for me it’s wine and pizza! The more you get into that routine the more you'll stick to it.

Buy Some New Workout Clothes!

You know how good it feels when you buy a new outfit? You are more likely to want to go to work because you get to wear that new top you just bought! It’s the same thing for workout clothes. I promise you, it is such a good incentive to workout when you know you get to wear them!

It’s ok to Fall off the Wagon

You have to know it’s OK to fail. That’s why I say start small. You don’t want to go like gangbusters, burn yourself out and quit, and say, see I told you I couldn't do it! It is definitely OK after a few months to take a break or make a change or do something different if it’s not your thing! We’re all not perfect and it’s inevitable sometimes that life is more important and there are times when exercise might have to take a backseat. And that’s OK, just force yourself to get back on the horse and try again!

Find What Works for You!

Like I said before, over the years I have tried many different exercise routines. It took me until almost my I won’t say how old I am, but I found one that works for me. It doesn’t mean what works for me will work for you. I know people that love to run, do yoga, Pilates, cycling, and even cardio drumming! The main thing is make sure you MOVE! And keep it up!

If you take anything from this, I hope that it is taking that first step to just start! It could even be going for a walk with your dog every day or with your kids. Then once you’re comfortable with that, build from there.

Just know that you are capable of so many things! Just get out there, move, and try something new! You may surprise yourself on what you can achieve!

You got this…

- Sarah Leece

- Center Director of The Learning Experience South Lyon


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