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Well, 2020 is almost over. Many of us have prayed for this day. We couldn't wait for 2020 to be gone. Isn't that a little weird though? I mean really. All of the 2020 drama is carrying over with us, COVID, election, general politics, racism and so on. All of these things are being carried over into 2021, they don't just magically go away. So, why? Why did we waste our breathe hoping 2020 would end?! Praying it would be over? I admit, I am guilty of it. I fell for the negative slump that came a long with 2020. How could I not?! COVID, a broken water line in my fridge leading to RUINING my entire kitchen and dinning room wood floors, needing a brand new heating and HVAC system, my water heater breaking and RUINING the brand new office we finished (literally in January 2020), my husband taking a fairly significant pay cut, finally getting to take a family trip only to be gone for less then 36 hours (literally in the air while COVID blew EVERYTHING up), and a ton of other things. I think we all have our own right to have done have jumped on the screw 2020 bandwagon, it still leaves me wondering, what did it really help? What does January 1, 2021 change from December 31, 2020??

'Make happiness a priority and be gentle with yourself in the process'.

- Bronnie Ware

I saw this quote on Alicia's Instagram the other day and thought to myself- 'holy shit, I already knew this but I guess I really needed to be able to read it' What does this quote mean to you? For me, it means I should have totally looked at 2020 in a different way. Sure I let the negative and the unknowns let me down, of course I did, just like everyone else. It was way easier to jump on the screw 2020 bandwagon. Why didn't I just choose happiness instead? I can reflect and decide to choose happiness and relish in the positives of 2020 (have you seen our COVID Silver Linings post, its a good place to start!).

Here are my 2020 positives-

- I am pregnant! I have been ready and wanting a second baby, mostly so I could just be done being pregnant and having babies so that I can explore the world with my babies (I know, I know, I can explore with them when they are little but it is so much more fun when they are older!)

- I managed to keep my center open and employee 20+ people through this pandemic. We have only had to close one classroom for two weeks. We kept our teachers employed and our children safe and that is something we are all incredibly proud of. None of this would have been possible without my team or my leaders, which leads me to my next positive...

- I work for the BEST people around and to make it even sweeter, I have the BEST teachers around. They showed up each and every day for our families that needed us. Allowing me to focus on all the changes that were coming because of COVID.

- I learned SO much. At work and in life. At work, I learned more about the behind the scenes business side, I helped with things that aren't part of my 'normal' routine, it made me feel trusted, important and it fueled that learner in me. In life, I learned that bad shit happens. I have always known life is unexpected, but this year, this was different. I learned how to better communicate with my husband, be adventurous with my family in my own city and so much more.

- I was able to celebrate a successful year and job well done despite COVID with all my peers and leaders.

- I celebrated my Grandma's 80th birthday with four generations of our family all together.

- I was fortunate enough to explore the Smoky Mountains and witness two of our greatest friends get engaged.

- I was also fortunate enough to help my baby sister move into her college dorm all while remaining COVID safe. (cue the tears!!!!)

- I welcomed my little niece to the world and have enjoyed helping her momma through the early stages of motherhood questions and watch my little girl embrace this new little being and get a glimpse into life with a newborn again. (my oh my how much I have forgotten and how it was also like riding a bike for the first time in a long time!)

- I enjoyed Christmas with my family, the first Christmas my daughter 'got it' and was really into it!

With the upcoming New Year, I challenge not only myself but all of you to lead with positive energy. With the upcoming New Year celebrations comes New Year's resolutions. What could happen if each person in the world decided to make happiness their resolution? Would we look at the world differently? Would kindness be something that we don't have to put as much 'effort' into? What could we change? Manifest happiness in 2021! No matter what happens, I want to live with happiness at he forefront, lead my team with happiness and encourage my team, peers and family to manifest their happiness. Shit does happen, it is part of life, how we decide to run with it is what matters most. Make it your purpose to be happy and seek happiness. Be gentle as you do this, with yourself and with others!

- Cheers to happiness!

Sierra Zaban, Director of The Learning Experience of Gurnee


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