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Being an overly sensitive person is exhausting. I worry about things, I make up weird scenarios in my head that 99% of the time are not even close to what’s really happening and I believed everyone thinks the worst of me. Well, I’m DONE with this mind set! I’m a damn good person, I’m funny and I have a lot to offer this world! My new mindset is based hugely on building my confidence back up and not being such a “Debbie Downer” about myself.

I’m in charge of my mood for the day. No one else can have that power, so I wake up, jam some good music, and sing as loud as I can while I get ready for work in the mornings. This totally helps my mood and puts my mind set in a “take-charge” kinda place. My drive into work is long, so I take this time to think of all the things I want to accomplish for the day.

Accomplish is an especially important word for building confidence. I have realized when I get things done, I feel great! I feel Awesome! Confidence is built on accomplishment. Not sure why it took me this long to figure it out…. But I got it and I am going for the win! My physical appearance and overall health also play a big role in my confidence. When I’m lazy and sloppy, I feel bad. But, when I’m exercising, eating healthy and taking good care of my body, I feel great.

Confidence brings a more positive attitude and that my friends, is contagious! We feed off each other’s feelings. When I come into work happy and up-beat, I notice my co-workers smile more, laugh louder, and seem to enjoy their day more then when I come in with my grumpy pants on. Maybe it’s my charming sense of humor, my loud singing through the hallway or my silly dance moves, the positive interaction catches on.

At the end of the day, I stick by my values to do the right thing. I only have the interest of the greater good at heart. Being a genuinely good person, your actions and decisions will define your character. Sometimes it is hard, sometimes you have to sacrifice short term, but in the long run, you will feel better about yourself and be proud of the person you are….. a FREAKIN’ ROCKSTAR BABY!

-Jenn Fields

Director of Curriculum, The Learning Experience Gurnee, The Learning Experience Independence, The Learning Experience South Lyon and The Learning Experience South Lyon West


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