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There are so many things that I miss in these COVID times. Of course, not having to wear a mask all the time is probably at the top of the list! Even more though is having that release time with my friends and especially nights out with my husband minus the kiddos! My husband and I both work full time and don’t get me wrong, it is nice to come home from work and not have the craziness of after-school sports! The extra family time is great! We actually have more family dinners and time with our kids….with that being said the alone time with my husband can be non-existent at times!

Before COVID, BC, as I like to call it, my husband and I made a point to do date nights at least once a week. It would consist of going to dinner or having a few drinks at a local establishment. It’s nice as our kids are older and do not require a babysitter! Both my husband and I feel it is important for our marriage to have date nights, to date your spouse. Even though I am a busy mom like so many of us, I try really hard not to forget I am a wife too.

I don’t know about you but it’s winter in Michigan and there isn’t a ton to do. Especially in a pandemic when dinning out or grabbing a drink at a bar is not really an option or something you just aren't comfortable doing quite yet. So, what can you do for a date night? Thought I’d share some ideas we have done to have that time together when going out isn’t possible.

Dine in night!

Pick your favorite restaurant that offers curbside take out. Pick it up and set the table as if your in a 5 star restaurant. Get the candles out and if wine is your thing, open your favorite bottle you keep for special occasions! What to do with the kiddos? We tell them pick your favorite dinner, which in our house consists of pizza or chicken nuggets. Get them fed, then tell them it’s movie night! Pop some popcorn and press play. Try your best to enjoy your dinner date! Don’t talk about work or kids, I know it’s hard! We like to tell Alexa to play Frank Sinatra and it feels like an instant Italian restaurant! Bon Appetit!

Take a Hike!

Are the outdoors your thing? I know what you’re thinking, umm it’s January in Michigan? So what! Bundle up and get outside! It’s great to be able to just chat and maybe even hold hands! Not to mention be able to spend time with your hubby and get some exercise too!

Speaking of exercise...couples that sweat together stay together, get your head out of the gutter, I mean working out! But really, spending time together and getting a good workout in at the same time is a win win! It’s fun and motivating for both of you. Whether you go to the gym, have a home gym or an exercise app on your iPad, plan a couples workout, I promise it’ll be a fun way to spend your time. I just said, just spend the time, make the time. Put it on your calendar and stick to it! It is so important for you and your significant other to have that time alone and connect! If all things I mentioned aren’t your thing, then find something to do together without the kids or anyone else! It can be small. Hit Costco together and then grab a coffee through a drive through. Over quarantine, some of our dates consisted of just taking a drive. It got us out of the house, best it’s free!

Whatever it is, take advantage of any time away, you both need it! But don’t get me wrong, I can’t wait to go back to our dinner dates at a real restaurant!

Until next time…

- Sarah Leece

- Center Director of The Learning Experience South Lyon


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