When I met my husband and found out he was one of 4 boys with only one girl cousin and one aunt I knew if I was going to have kids with him, I was gonna be a boy mom. Fast forward 20 years later and you guessed it, we have three kids, and they are all boys. I remember being at Discount Tire when one of them was still in the stroller and my other 2 were perched at the window watching the mechanics go and an elderly lady asked to see my baby. She then said, “Three boys, I’m sorry.” I replied and said, “I’m not.” This along with the other common response of, wow I bet that’s fun, seems to be the norm when people find out you’re a #boymama..
There are of course advantages and disadvantages. Number one disadvantage, THE TOILET SEAT! Need I say more or give you details. The others are of course eating everything in sight, I should be a size zero. Let us not forget about being the butt of every joke in the house, mainly orchestrated by my husband. Wrestling rings right up there in the top 5 for sure. I like to set a timer to see how long before someone gets hurt and it’s never anyone’s fault. I was once with my girlfriend and being in early childhood she asked me what was wrong with her son. I was coy in my reply and said the only thing wrong with your son is that you had a girl first.
Everything becomes a jungle gym, superhero costume or something to fling at each other. Nothing is sacred. Those of you may remember Party Lite. Silly me bought the big 3-wick candle holder with hopes to display in my living room. I gave up after being shattered 3 times. Who needs nice things?
My son is a Junior National Team gymnast and was being interviewed by one of the local newspapers. Mind you, prior to him driving, my husband drove him to and from practice for roughly 10 years, 4 times a week. My husband and I anxiously awaited the article to be printed and there he was on the front page. We were both proud as peacocks. I opened it and began to read only to find my son being quoted as saying some moms drop off and leave at practice but not his mom, she stays the whole time. I smiled and my husband shook his head. It’s always the mom he said, and I said yup! Boys love their mamas!
The real true is of course a girl would have been fun, but would I change it, nope! I know so many moms are sad at their ultrasound results when they find out they are having a second boy but ask them in 20 years how they feel. The love is unconditional and true. When they are sick, they want me. When there is credit to be given, it is usually given to me, even if I did not earn it. All I can hope is that I raise them with the same respect for their wives and/or daughters that they have for me. The bond is real, and it is strong. If you are a boy mom, you get it. Boys love their mamma.
-Mollie Blixt
Owner/Vice President of Operations of The Learning Experience Gurnee, The Learning Experience Independence, The Learning Experience South Lyon and The Learning Experience South Lyon West