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2020 Resolutions.. orrrr do I mean 2020 Survival??

The beginning of each year everyone is always talking about their “New Years Resolutions” I think back to mine- travel more, become more comfortable as a single traveling mom ( lets not discuss the time I held back every tear I could in the airport because I was flying alone with my then 4 year old and didn’t make it to pick up my luggage on time because some hungry creature HAD TO HAVE PIZZA, so they stored our luggage and closed up shop. Let the water works begin.), find more selflove, strive in my career, spend more quality time with my little guy and volunteer at his school more often. Can we all just take a second to laugh…

Let’s talk about reality- 2020. What a circus act this has been. I keep telling myself “just reflect on what greatness you’ve found in this”

Travel- nope (I did make my way to Nashville real quick this year, my first trip as a single lady and no kiddo- can you say, MOMS WEEKEND! I even stayed up late enough to see the sun rise, I haven’t done that in ages! Needless to say, that was a big highlight. Even if I cried like a baby every day because I missed my little one so much (Keep an eye out for our girls guide to Nashville coming soon!)

Travel as a single mom- My bathroom trips with the six-year-old who forgets how to breath the second I shut the door increased due to being home more often - that counts right?!

Selflove- heck yea girl, especially lovin’ those extra 15 quarantine pounds. In all actuality I did have a lot of time to reflect on passed events in my life and grow some. I even picked up a secret hobby, by secret I literally mean secret, maybe one day I will surprise you all!

My career- I think it’s safe to say we all learned an enormous amount from these times. I also learned duct tape works great to tame your child while on a conference call- stick em’ right on the wall. JUST KIDDIN’ but the thought was definitely there.

More quality time with the little one- Oh boy did that ever happen, lesson learned there. I don’t qualify to ever be a stay at home mom- props to you ladies! I love my kid, but we started learning how to “love to hate” each other after to much time passed and we were enclosed in small quarters for far to long. We did learn a lot about nature, took a lot of bike rides and visited many parks. Camping was a huge hit for us this year and we made so many memories. All in all, we can say we completed this amazingly.

Volunteer in the school- Let’s just slap a big ole’ LOL on this one.

In the heart of all of this, 2020 had its downfalls and hardships- searching for toilet paper was no game I ever want to play again. But I learned so much and evolved even more. I loved seeing the way people just “made it work” I loved having that special one on one time with my son that I will never get an opportunity to have again, having time to just slooooooow down and see the fine detail of life. While it’s so easy to remember just the bad sometimes, you can’t forget to love yourself and your life, perfect or not.

We are all humans, mom’s with no degree from the University if Momisums, creatures of habit surviving in a crazy world. Also, let’s all applaud our selves for surviving a global pandemic, 15 pounds heavier or not! This is history ladies and gents.

Cheers to another round of “What are your new year resolutions!” Remember this coming year, it’s okay to not achieve those resolutions. Plan simple, you never know when a pandemic will hit and you’re preparing for zombie land while you’re still trying to achieve those resolutions. Give it a shot...

Until next time- keep it real

- Alicia, Assistant Director at The Learning Experience Independence


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